-- card: 3223 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2733 -- name: -- part 1 (field) -- low flags: 01 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=48 top=57 right=299 bottom=485 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 0 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 8192 -- line height: 16 -- part name: -- part contents for card part 1 ----- text ----- Resource Type Resource ID 'XFCN' 2222 PopAlert Command 'ALRT' 2222 Continue Alert Box 'ALRT' 2223 OK Alert Box 'ALRT' 2224 OK-Cancel Alert Box 'DITL' 2222,2223,2224 'ICON' 2222 If PopAlert is useful to you and you wish to use it, please feel free to use it. I only ask for a $5 registration to support the development of more XCMDs and XFCNs. As a bonus for your registration I will send back to you the XCMD SetAlert. What for ? Every alert box has four stages, corresponding to consecutive ocurrences of the alert. The first three stages correspond to the first three ocurrences,